Ask your children’s dentist about SMART (Silver Modified Atraumatic Restorative Technique) technology.

What is the silver diamine fluoride SDF?

It is a substance that has been employed in Japan for 4 decades as a potent remedy for diminishing tooth decay in both primary and permanent teeth. Administered with a concentration of 38% in a basic environment ratio directly onto the afflicted tooth, this formulation comprises fluoride elements that facilitate the remineralization of the enamel and dentin layers. Moreover, it incorporates silver particles, which serve as antibacterial agents, specifically targeting the bacteria responsible for decay. Furthermore, this substance can be harnessed to address tooth sensitivity subsequent to cosmetic fillings and instances of root exposure.

What are the cases in which silver diamine fluoride can be used?

  1. Children with significant dental decay, affecting both their anterior and posterior teeth
  2. Cases where children present challenges in conventional treatment due to non-cooperation or their young age.
  3. Remote areas with limited access to dental services.
  4. Treatment of tooth sensitivity.

What are the conditions for using silver diamine fluoride?

  1. The patient should be fairly cooperative and receptive to treatment while seated in the dental chair.
  2. There should be no severe symptoms or pain indicating inflammation in the tooth nerve.
  3. The decay should be limited to the enamel or dentin layer without involvement of the nerve, which should be confirmed by a dental X-ray. Additionally, the tooth surface should be easily accessible for the substance’s application.
  4. The patient should not have any allergies to silver.

What are the side effects of using silver diamine fluoride?

  1. Permanent black staining of the treated tooth indicates the treatment’s effectiveness (it is advisable to consult your dentist regarding images showing the tooth’s appearance after treatment).
  2. Temporary staining of the gums and oral tissues during application of the substance, which may take two days to return to their natural color.
  3. The skin around the mouth may temporarily stain during the application of the substance, which may take up to 14 days to return to its natural color.
  4. A bitter taste after treatment.

How often can Silver Diamine fluoride be applied to teeth?

It is recommended that you consult a dentist one to four weeks after the initial application to assess the status of decay sclerosis and reapply the substance as needed.

If no filling is placed over the substance, it is advisable to apply the substance every 6 months.

Dr. Sewar Al-Yaqoub

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